Q. Can I rent one of the shacks?

A. Whilst in the past the licence conditions prevented any subletting of shacks, the current licence requires that the licensee is responsible for the actions of any person using their shack. At present, there are no licensees willing to rent out their shack.

There is accommodation available at the Surf Club for members of the Burning Palms Surf Lifesaving Club or groups doing environmental work. Contact them through http://www.burningpalmsslsc.com.au/

The Protection League has advocated that a small number of shacks become available for public use under the management of the relevant community. However, the NPWS has advised they do not have a policy for the public rental of any shack, so it is not possible at this time.

On occasions, a shack owner will seek assistance with the upkeep of their shack. It is usually members of the community groups, Surf Clubs and Landcare that they will provide assistance So becoming involved with community organisations is a possible pathway to a shack stay.

Q. are the shacks for sale?

A. Shacks are not for sale. The shacks are licensed under the National Parks and Wildlife Act and are not transferable. The current licence was obtained after the Protection League took action in the Land and Environment Court in 2005 and was settled under mediation in 2006. The current licence period runs until 2027.

Q. What is cultural heritage?

A. Cultural heritage is the connections between people and places. In our communities, this heritage goes back over generations and projects into the future, passing on the history, knowledge and practices of shack life.

The value of this heritage to the broader community is not only the buildings but also the knowledge and responsibility that the people contribute to maintaining the shack areas and serving the visiting public within the Royal National Park.