The Royal National Park Cabin Communities Landcare Group was founded in April 1993 by members of the three State Heritage listed cabin communities of Little Garie, Era and Burning Palms. One of the group's early projects was to undertake works to stabilise the 0.5ha Aboriginal Midden at North Era Beach. Between 1950 and 1995, the midden had become heavily degraded, the leading cause being people camping on and walking over the site, with grazing and hoof damage by feral deer significantly adding to the problem.
In addition to the midden works, projects have been undertaken in the cabin precincts to address fire hazards, water quality, bush regeneration, weed control, sandhill conservation and erosion issues. Many cabin community members are active in litter collection and weed control regularly.
Image: John Airy & Layne Holloway conducting water testing in the Royal National Park
John and Layne completed water testing of the streams within the cabin communities on Tuesday, the 3rd of September 2023. John and Layne resampled testing sites from the Streamwatch testing program that has been ongoing in the National Park for the last 20 years. John took on-site samples of key water quality parameters, while Layne took bottled samples for lab testing conducted by the NSW Department of Industry. Water testing results will help build a database of water quality and maintain accountability for the cabin community's influence on the surrounding environment.
Current Projects
Water Testing
Regularly testing for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, available phosphate, turbidity and faecal coliform levels in rivers and streams in the RNP.
Protect indigenous sites
To ensure midden piles or workshop sites are protected, Landcare has established fenced areas to protect these sites for years to come. This work is done in conjunction with the relevant Koori groups.
rubbish removal
Help our marine life or clean up ad-hoc rubbish left behind by adding to our Landcare bags placed near each surf club and entrance to the beach. This is done with NPWS, who remove the bags when full.
track maintenance
Within our communities, we maintain internal tracks for public safety and wayfinding.
weed control
The Landcare group regularly removes exotic species from the area. Contact your local Landcare representative to be notified when working bees are happening in your communities.
Upcoming days:
To be advised.
Bush Regeneration
Under Landcare and NPWS guidance, we revegetate eroded areas. Some areas have been fenced to keep feral deer from destroying native plantings.
upcoming days
To be advised.